Get the most up-to-date names of participants

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants API endpoint returns names used by users when they joined but participants can be renamed during the meeting. Currently there is no possibility how to get the most up-to-date names of participants from the API.

Describe the solution you’d like
The GET /metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants endpoint should return the most up-to-date names of participants or there could be another endpoint returning all used names for given participant.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
Currently it’s possible with some effort to get the last names of participants from timeline file.

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There are lots of posts on this.
It would be such small change to add the rename data to the report.
That would make it so much easier to track attendance.
When the user joins with the name ‘iPhone’ and changes it, we want that data!

Have the same problem. Still no resolution

Please Zoom.
the data is on the manual report you can manually download from
It would be such a small change to add it to the API report.