Get Unique Only meeting participants?


This returns each participant that joined, left and and rejoined multiple times. Is there any way to get unique only participants (users) list?

There is this ability to ‘Show unique users’ when generating the report in the Zoom web client. Just looking for this via the api.

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  2. See error

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Hey @zkegs,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. If you’re looking to obtain Unique Participants of a meeting that was held in the past, the best option is to use the Get Meeting Participants Report API.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Max, Thanks for the help. The ‘getmeeting’ pulls all participants, not the unique ones. As an example I have one meeting with 104 participants but only 49 unique. For some reason each person is counted twice and ive seen this for many others.

Hey @zkegs,

Thank you for the update. I wasn’t aware of that behavior with the Report API so I reached out to an internal resource and they indicated that the Past Meeting Participants API should give you unique participants. Please test that API to see if it provides the expected results.

If not, there are a couple of options. First, you can use the Participant Joined Webhook to create a live, unique list of participants. Alternatively, you could use one of the non-unique API results to build a unique set of users.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Max, can you explain what you mean here? None of the API calls return a true unique list of participants, including Past Meeting Participants API.


Hey @zkegs,

Thank you for your question. What I meant is that if you have a list of participants and you can see that an email (or another identifying property) is included multiple times, you can de-duplicate the list and store the data as a unique set instead of the raw response that contains duplicates that you get from the API.


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