# of Unique Participants in a meeting

What is the number of participants listed on a Zoom report screen for an individual meeting based on?
I have one meeting that the report page inidicates had 256 participants. The meeting API lists 513 participants altogether, but that seems to include people who connected for a minute and then reconnected a second time. If I count only unique usernames I get 217. Where is the 256 number coming from? Is there some unexposed way to determine unique users based on IP address etc.?

Related point - is there a way to determine the peak number of concurrent participants?

Hey @stsimon,

Which API endpoint are you using?

Currently our API just shows the total number of participants who joined.


Using the report endpoint, although I’ve tried with the dashboard too.
The number of unique participants zoom lists for a given meeting doesn’t seem to match what I can determine based on running the full report. (E.g. one meeting had about 513 participants, which was 270 approx unique participants, but running the report I only had ~230 unique names listed.
Is there really no way to calculate the “true” unique number of participants?

Hey @stsimon,

This may be related to the dashboard and report data issues happening right now. More details here: status.zoom.us


I don’t think so. Maybe the unique participants is calculated from unique IPs?

Hey @stsimon,

Can you email these details along with the meeting IDs to developersupport@zoom.us so we can investigate further?
