when attempting to access apis like https://api.zoom.us/v2/scheduler/users/__USERID__
a 500 with the following response is returned. {'error': {'code': 500, 'errors': [{'appCode': 0, 'domain': 'global', 'message': 'internalErr', 'reason': 'internalErr'}], 'message': 'internalErr', 'reqId': 'ZMAIL_c600b3a7b0d0c538a09b3233c89dddfe', 'status': 'INTERNAL_ERROR'}}
I have verified the token is correct and can access other apis like https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/__USERID__ But I cannot seem to access apis under https://api.zoom.us/v2/scheduler/ as they all seem to return a 500.
Even APIs that do not take any parameters like https://api.zoom.us/v2/scheduler/events do not work and return the same 500.
This is for an account level app server to server. If i remove all the scope permissions (except one irrelevant one, since there cannot be none), I get a 401 which is expected. Then if I add the scope back, I get a 500. This definitely seems to be an issue on the Zoom side.
Hi @asep.s and @sethsmith
Can you make sure that the user that you are trying to get the schedule from, has an scheduler license assigned to their role?