Dev API: can't access all scopes (only granular)

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

I am unable to successfully call the scheduler endpoint. Background info:

  1. I am the account owner, so I expect that I have full privileges.
  2. I have signed up for a trial of Zoom Scheduler, just in case that is required to access this API endpoint (the documentation is unclear on this).
  3. I am able to successfully call other endpoints.

When I call the Scheduler endpoint, I consistently get an error that I do not have the required scopes. The listed scopes do NOT appear in the app’s scope settings. I have even added ALL scheduler scopes, just to see what would happen, and I get the same error.


    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["scheduler:read:admin","scheduler:read"]"

How To Reproduce
1. Request URL / Headers / Body
Request URL = /v2/scheduler/availability
Headers = Bearer [token removed]

2. Authentication method or app type
App type = [Account-level app] [Server-To-Server OAuth]
Authentication = Bearer token
URL = /oauth/token
Returned Data =

    "access_token": "[ token removed]",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "scope": "scheduler:read:get_schedule:admin scheduler:read:list_schedule:admin scheduler:read:availability:admin scheduler:read:list_availability:admin scheduler:read:scheduled_event:admin scheduler:read:list_scheduled_events:admin scheduler:read:user:admin",
    "api_url": ""

3. Steps to reproduce:

I make a call to the following endpoint, and it returns an error that I do not have the required scopes (expected).


    "code": 4711,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[user:read:list_users:admin]."

After adding the “user:read:list_users:admin” scope, the query returns data (expected).

Conclusion: I can successfully authenticate and access the API

I make a call to the following endpoint, and it returns an error that I do not have the required scopes (expected).


    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["scheduler:read:admin","scheduler:read"]"

When I try to add the missing scopes, they are not available in the app’s scope settings. (unexpected)

I try to add the missing scopes, but the ONLY ones I have access to are:

scheduler:read:get_schedule:admin scheduler:read:list_schedule:admin scheduler:read:availability:admin scheduler:read:list_availability:admin scheduler:read:scheduled_event:admin scheduler:read:list_scheduled_events:admin scheduler:read:user:admin

As noted above, I am the account owner, so I should access to ALL scopes.

Conclusion: The API does not have scopes for “scheduler:read:admin” or “scheduler:read:admin”. (unexpected)

I add ALL scheduler scopes to the app. When I make a call to the following endpoint, I STILL get the same error about missing scopes (unexpected)


    "code": 104,
    "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:["scheduler:read:admin","scheduler:read"]"