Can not find scheduler:read:availability scope?

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

I’d like to use this endpoint, but I can’t find the needed scopes needed under add scopes.

How To Reproduce
Click Add Scopes for User-managed app

Hi @rlloyd2001
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Community!
Can you please confirm if you have the right license associated to your account to be able to use Zoom Scheduler?

I have the same issue.

Trying to add scopes “scheduler:read:admin” and “scheduler:read” to my Oauth2 app, but I can’t seem to find them on the list of available scopes to add.

Yes, I can confirm that my users has access to the scheduler feature, our company has the full Zoom Workplace suite. Zoom Workplace Business Plus is the exact name of the plan.

Hi @vbarsoum
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
I am going to send you a DM so I can get more information about this issue!
Thanks a lot!

Thank you @elisa.zoom . I didn’t get the DM, but here are the details if it helps.

I have a Server to Server OAuth App configured in the zoom app marketplace to be able to use the API calls with Make or N8N for process automation in our business. When i try to use the interface app settings in the marketplace to add scopes the scheduler scope is not available to choose in the dropdown or search. I just don’t see it in the list of scopes available.

Exact use case: In an new client onboarding email, send them the first available time from the scheduler api, send that in the body of the email, and ask the client to click here to confirm, otherwise click here to find a different time. We think this is a nicer way than the usual: here is my link go nuts :smiley:

thanks @vbarsoum
I will send you another DM to request you with some more details about your account.

I’m also looking for these scopes to request Scheduler API endpoint.
Could you please provide information or support?

Thanks to Zoom support team, the scheduler now appears in scope selection.
Please make sure.

Yes! @wtnvenga @vbarsoum
Sorry for the late update here, it was a bug on our side that was fixed over the weekend

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