I am trying to test the Create Meeting API using the Test Request at the bottom of the page on https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetingcreate. I click the Get Access Token button to get an access token, I enter the client ID and client secret and leave the other fields as is on the modal that pops up, and then I click the Get Access Token button on the modal.
Thank you for your help, that worked. Now that I have tested generating a create meeting request, how should I set the redirect and whitelist urls in my application, and how will I generate access tokens for my application to generate create meeting requests from my application?
From everything I can see I am sending the Authorization header. Is there a specific way I should be sending it? I am encoding the clientID and client secret with a colon in between them and it is Base64 encoded as specified. I have tried both ASCII and UTF-8 encodings.
I think I figured it out - I wasn’t using the correct HTTP verb/method. I had to specify the method as “POST” (I think it may have been “GET” by default).