I got a error during the implementation of Zoom API

I use web SDK to integrate Zoom API into my project
In a project, we generate bearer tokens using a server-to-server app for authentication and create a meeting.
when I try to join the meeting I got the message “meeting has not started” and in the console, I got the below error:
“zoom-meeting-2.13.0.min.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) {type: ‘VIDEO’, evt: ‘ERROR’, errorCode: ‘NOT_CONNECTED’, data: undefined}
zoom-meeting-2.13.0.min.js:2 Uncaught (in promise) {type: ‘AUDIO’, evt: ‘ERROR’, errorCode: ‘NOT_CONNECTED’, data: undefined}”

@mnagar ,

These errors are not related to “meeting has not started”

These errors means that you have not given permissions (or have not turned on) your camera and microphone on your web browser