Getting an Invalid redirect message after being added to whitelist

There was a change to our Zoom endpoint to authorize the Zoom user and I’ve updated the URL in the app settings and added the URL to the whitelist. When adding the new redirect uri as a query parameter, I get the Invalid redirect message. I tested the old redirect uri and it’s still working but the location the URI is pointing to is no longer live so I need that changed.

Invalid redirect: Zoom OAuth Login (4,700)

Which App?
Zoom for CompleteCSM

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the app or cick on the publish URL

Hi @anthonyk,

Did you request an update to your app after making this change to the Redirect URL? Note that you’ll need to follow this process if you haven’t yet, in order to have this change reflected:

Let me know—thanks!

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