Getting App (re)Published with (or w/o) ZAK Scope

We are “stuck” in publishing our application during the approval process. In early 2023, we responded to the notice of requiring a security re-review before 1-Mar. At the time we still had a “legacy app.” This app was submitted for re-review and was approved on 26-Feb.

On 18-Mar, we received a note stating that the application was un-published because it failed a review. In early May, we attempted to rectify this by:

  • Upgraded to a non-legacy app
  • Submitting to the Marketplace

Please note, that nothing has changed about the integration, however, Zoom has added ZAK scope. Our integration doesn’t necessarily need ZAK scope (again, nothing changed), however we are unable to remove it. During the submission process, Zoom continues to ask us for clarification on why we need ZAK scope. We are now stuck in a circular loop, while our customers are unable to use the product.

As of this writing, we’ve been stuck in “Security Review” with no answer from Zoom for 6 business days - well past the “72 hours response”

Looking for someone from Zoom to help get us out of the loop and get the app re-published.

Unless we’re premier (which we’re not at this time), I understand this as the only outlet for support. If there is somewhere else I can get help, I’m happy to take the redirect.

Hello @jgregorsky whats the name of your App?

Regards, Kwaku


OnBoard (

Hello, Your Update was approved yesterday.

Regards, Kwaku

Yes it was! Between my message and yours. Thanks for your help.