Getting started with UI changes

I don’t like generic “how to” questions but here goes:

I have done some searching but I have not found what I am looking for. My goal is to modify the UI for Phone to add an option to record the reason for the call. We would like to track different categories of calls so I’d like to add that feature in a convenient place like the current phone UI.

I can’t seem to find an SDK or feature that allows for this so question #1 is: Is there a specific SDK I can use to modify the current Phone UI? Optimally I’d like to add a dropdown or text field on the phone UI to do this. Less optimally would be to add a menu item on the History listing to add the call reason. Lastly, if none of the above is possible, then I’d like to run an stand-alone applet that would bring up call history with the ability to add a “reason” for the call after the fact.

Ultimately, the tracking of the call reason would be to report on the metrics of call reasons so an API/SDK that could access the history and report on it would be optimal and it looks like there is an API the provides that.

So, can the phone UI be modified? If so, where would I go to get started?

Again, sorry for the “how to” question. I have done some legwork already but have surfaced anything useful.


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