Getting unrelated error when trying to update user settings

When I make a request to update user settings, I got the following response:

 "code": 1102,
 "message": "You can't enable the Zoom Phone feature because you do not have any available licenses."

However, in my request I’m not trying to enable Zoom Phone. That flag is clearly set to false. Here is my original request:


  Authorization: Bearer {jwToken}
Content-Type: application/json

  "email_notification": {
    "alternative_host_reminder": true,
    "cancel_meeting_reminder": true,
    "jbh_reminder": true,
    "schedule_for_reminder": true
  "feature": {
    "cn_meeting": false,
    "in_meeting": false,
    "large_meeting": false,
    "meeting_capacity": 300,
    "webinar": true,
    "webinar_capacity": 500,
    "zoom_phone": false
  "in_meeting": {
    "allow_live_streaming": false,
    "allow_participants_to_rename": true,
    "annotation": true,
    "attendee_on_hold": false,
    "auto_saving_chat": false,
    "breakout_room": false,
    "chat": true,
    "closed_caption": false,
    "co_host": false,
    "custom_data_center_regions": false,
    "e2e_encryption": false,
    "entry_exit_chime": "none",
    "far_end_camera_control": false,
    "feedback": true,
    "file_transfer": false,
    "group_hd": false,
    "meeting_reactions": true,
    "non_verbal_feedback": false,
    "polling": false,
    "private_chat": true,
    "record_play_voice": false,
    "remote_control": true,
    "remote_support": false,
    "request_permission_to_unmute": false,
    "screen_sharing": true,
    "show_a_join_from_your_browser_link": false,
    "show_meeting_control_toolbar": false,
    "virtual_background": true,
    "waiting_room": false,
    "who_can_share_screen": "all",
    "who_can_share_screen_when_someone_is_sharing": "host"
  "integration": {
    "linkedin_sales_navigator": false
  "recording": {
    "auto_delete_cmr": false,
    "auto_recording": "none",
    "cloud_recording": true,
    "host_delete_cloud_recording": true,
    "local_recording": false,
    "record_audio_file": true,
    "record_gallery_view": true,
    "record_speaker_view": true,
    "recording_audio_transcript": true,
    "recording_disclaimer": false,
    "recording_password_requirement": {
      "have_letter": false,
      "have_number": false,
      "have_special_character": false,
      "length": 8,
      "only_allow_numeric": false
    "required_password_for_shared_cloud_recordings": false,
    "save_chat_text": true,
    "show_timestamp": true
  "schedule_meeting": {
    "audio_type": "both",
    "embed_password_in_join_link": true,
    "force_pmi_jbh_password": false,
    "host_video": false,
    "join_before_host": false,
    "mute_upon_entry": false,
    "not_store_meeting_topic": false,
    "participants_video": false,
    "personal_meeting": true,
    "pmi_password": "",
    "pstn_password_protected": false,
    "require_password_for_instant_meetings": false,
    "require_password_for_pmi_meetings": "none",
    "require_password_for_scheduling_new_meetings": false,
    "use_pmi_for_instant_meetings": false,
    "use_pmi_for_scheduled_meetings": false
  "telephony": {
    "audio_conference_info": "",
    "show_international_numbers_link": true,
    "third_party_audio": false
  "tsp": {}

Why is this error being thrown? It seems like a bug.


Hey @chris.ota,

Thanks for reaching out about this. I believe this is because you’re including the zoom_phone field in any capacity. Attempting to set this field as either true or false will attempt to access a user’s Zoom Phone settings, which is why you’re seeing this error.

If you simply remove this field, you should no longer have any issues.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.


Thanks for the reply Will. That does remove the error for me. But why is the zoom_phone field included in the Get User Settings response ({userId}/settings) if I have to remove it before updating user settings? My expectation would be to get, make some changes, and then update.

Hey @chris.ota,

I appreciate the feedback, and you make a great point. I will share this feedback with our team and see if this is an experience we can improve in the future.

That said, I’m glad it’s working for you now, and appreciate your diligence in pointing this out.


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