Help understanding how to create meeting using backend

Hey @askary.almazan,

Checkout this document for length of Zoom meetings:

Let me know if you need more info.

And you can end the meeting early by clicking the End Meeting button, or with the Zoom API if you are building an integration of some sort. :slight_smile:


I have one more query in which I want your help. So If I want to serve different clients with different domain urls do I need to create different zoom applications? Let say I have two clients , one with url and other as . If I am not mistaken our redirect url must contain this domain in order to match the route. So Is it possible in one app or I must create different applications for different clients.

Hey @akshay.salekar,

Great question! Instead of creating multiple apps, you can whitelist multiple URLs and when you call the OAuth endpoints, you can change the redirect_uri to what you want to use for that particular domain.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Guys!

I tried to create a meeting with the previous nodejs example and other examples in the web but when I call to http://localhost:3000/newmeeting Iā€™m getting the following error:

   "message":"401 - {"code":124,"message":"Invalid
access token."}",
      "message":"Invalid access

Thanks in advance

how to predefine which emails are allow to join meeting early when creating meeting?