Hide meeting related details from Browser Network Console

We are using Angular WebSDK [@zoomus/websdk - npm package] in our project. The password is generated automatically which is not available for the users. But here the security concern is that, if we open Browser’s Network Tab from Developer Console then the user can see all meeting details there which then can be shared with anyone.

Here, is there any way to hide those details, at least meeting id and password?

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Web browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, etc.)

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Reference links who also posted similar questions in the past:

Hey @jeeten,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. We are aware that meeting details such as the Meeting ID can be obtained from the console. For instance, this is why the signature uses an encrypted secret.

For the most part, this is due to the nature of Client Side code. However, we are working to obfuscate as many details as possible. I don’t have a timeline on when this will be complete but you can help add traction by posting to our #feature-request category.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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