Hide Meeting Setting in More Options and Modify Chat Setting

How to hide Meeting Setting in More Options menu and how to modify Chat Setting in Zoom Android Client SDK.

Hi @ketan.bhimani, thanks for using the dev forum.

Unfortunately there is no way to hide only the meeting settings button. Hiding this would require implementing a full custom meeting UI. Documentation on how to get started with a custom UI can be found here.

For chat-related functionality in the SDK, you may find the InMeetingChatController class useful.


@jon.zoom Thanks for your answer. But in my chat setting i add below code but its not working in app. please check and correct me if i am wrong.

InMeetingService mInMeetingService = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService();
InMeetingChatController mInMeetingWebinarController;
mInMeetingWebinarController = mInMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController();

Hi @ketan.bhimani,

At what point are you calling this code? Can you please confirm that your intent here is to only allow the host to chat?



Thanks for your reply i put this code before joining meeting as per below.

if (ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService() != null) {
InMeetingService mInMeetingService = ZoomSDK.getInstance().getInMeetingService();
InMeetingChatController mInMeetingWebinarController;
mInMeetingWebinarController = mInMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController();
meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams(context, params, options);

and we want to allow user to chat with host Only instead of everyone and other user.

Hi @ketan.bhimani,

Thanks for confirming. Please note that this setting will also allow the host to chat with everyone.

In order to change the attendee chat privileges, two conditions must be met:

  1. You have successfully connected to the meeting
  2. The current user is either host or co-host of the meeting

If you call the code in your reply before joining the meeting, it will not have any effect as this is a meeting-specific setting.



               Thanks for your reply we want like our user (**Not Host or Co-Host**) Can Chat Only With Meeting Host from the chat setting It Is Possible?

Hi @ketan.bhimani,

Yes this is possible. Please ensure that you are calling the changeAttendeeChatPrivilege method after the conditions in my previous reply are met.


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