Horrendous delivery delays in posting captions with the REST interface

We are seeing horrendous delays, as long as 5 minutes, when posting captions using the REST API.

There are no errors. Post replies with a timestamp.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Knowing the endpoint/s can help us to identify your issue faster. Please link the ones you need help/have a question with.

Which Endpoint/s?
curl -X POST -d “This is at test.
It is only a test.” “https://wmcc.zoom.us/closedcaption?id=94974612301&ns=Sm9zZXBoIExhcnNvbidzIFpvb20gTWVldGluZw&expire=86400&sparams=id%2Cns%2Cexpire&signature=U4YaMo85E8W7739kKORg-ZbtryQKF4Oz8kthTY96Es4.EwEAAAF0SgG_lQABUYAYNTMyQlFBQkZPZm1RdE90VHp5RlhJdz09OCtWMWtiWU9GTElMOWtKdzVtZjlBMVk4QjhnV2JRQW9pU3k2aXR0SVZmS1dEMTVvclNSbnJBdz09&lang=en-US&seq=2

(The only newlines in this are within the embedded data and at the very end. Any others are forum artifacts.)

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a zoom meeting with at least two participants from a user with CC available.
  2. Use the CC button and grab the POST url
  3. Perform curl commands like the above, incrementing the seq for each one.
  4. Wait. A long time.

Screenshots (If applicable)
This is a cut & paste of the captions window from last Thursday:

Thu Aug 27 13:17:35 CDT 2020 This is another caption. Thu Aug 27 13:18:12 CDT 2020 This is another caption. Thu Aug 27 13:19:04 CDT 2020 This is another caption.


Thu Aug 27 13:22:26 CDT 2020 This is another caption.


Thu Aug 27 13:53:00 CDT 2020 This is another caption.

Note that the simple timestamps (13:22:47 and 13:54:00) are produced by the Zoom client and accurately reflect when the captions arrived. The curl command I use also embeds the local date/time, which is the longer version.

In this test, you will see:

-At 13:22:47 I received 3 separate captions all at once that were sent at 13:17:35, 13:18:12 and 13:19:04. This is 5 minutes and 12 seconds after I sent the first that I received these three.

-At 13:23:46, I received the caption sent at 13:22:26 – which you’ll note was sent PRIOR TO the receiving the first 3 I sent. So this took a minute and 20 seconds.

-The final one I sent was received after a speed 1 minute.

Below is a cut & paste of my terminal window during this time:

$ foo.sh


$ foo.sh


$ foo.sh


$ foo.sh


$ foo.sh


foo.sh is just a shell script with the curl command I referenced earlier that I run each time after editing the seq parameter. I’ve added newlines to make this somewhat more readable.

Each invocation of foo.sh would take almost no time up to a few seconds, never more than 5 seconds.

Additional info: It appears to be related to the seq. If I do a resend of a seq or a skip, then it loses it’s brain, and even if i go back and do 1-10 to “fix” the loss of brain, it still takes a long time for stuff to begin feeding through properly.

If I just send 1-10, it seems to work better, although there might still be issues with seq=1.

Hey @jpl,

Can you please share this with support.zoom.us? They will be able to better assist since it is not apart of the Zoom App Marketplace. :slight_smile:


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