How can I get a list of participants for a particular meeting?

How can I get a list of participants in a particular meeting through the API? I got this manually through the CSV report in the Account Management - Reports - Active Hosts menu - the Participants column, there was a link to the CSV file.
Now I am running a program in Python and not at all getting what I need.

import requests

url = “

querystring = {“page_number”:“1”,“page_size”:“300”,“to”:“2019-07-09”,“from”:“2019-07-01”,“type”:“active”}

headers = {‘authorization’: ‘Bearer XXX’}

response = requests.request(“GET”, url, headers=headers, params=querystring)



That’s what I get. There is no list of participants here.


{“from”:“2019-07-01”,“to”:“2019-07-09”,“page_count”:1,“page_number”:1,“page_size”:300,“total_records”:1,“total_meetings”:40,“total_participants”:2801,“total_meeting_minutes”:112697,“users”:[{“id”:“d-eFTz9-QMmFoRkKtXTnBA”,“email”:“”,“user_name”:“Школа Гивина (ОК)”,“type”:2,“dept”:"",“meetings”:40,“participants”:2801,“meeting_minutes”:112697,“last_client_version”:“4.1.35374.1217(win)”,“last_login_time”:“2019-07-06T14:31:34Z”,“create_time”:“2018-03-29T14:34:13Z”}]}


How can I get a list of participants for a particular meeting?


We would like to help you troubleshoot this issue. Can you please send us these details with the meeting id at ?

This, for example, I took one specific meeting, here is its ID = ***********, but I would like to receive such reports on various meetings.

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Just checked your original message. It seems you are using the incorrect API endpoint. Please consider using this one: