How can I get IUserAudioStatus from IUserInfo in C++?

How can I get IUserAudioStatus from IUserInfo in C++?

Which version?
Windows SDK v5.0.24433.0616

Additional context
Is this possible? I’m a bit newbie in C++ but I made some successful edits to an App, and I understand virtual stuff is an exposed set of features from the software. I would expect to rather find audio status in IUserInfo already (like Mac SDK does in ZoomSDKUserInfo), but since it’s not there (in Win SDK), I’m trying to figure out how to get audio status from a valid IUserInfo instance, which I already have.

Let me share some non-working code to get to the point (I know it’s wrong and lacks detail)

IUserInfo* user_info = ... // I already have this

// But I have no idea about how to get audioStatus from it...
// I'd like being able to do something like this:
IUserAudioStatus* userAudioStatus = new IUserAudioStatus(user_info);
AudioStatus audioStatus = userAudioStatus->GetStatus();

I know about onUserAudioStatusChange (and I use it) but I want to retrieve audio status at the start of the meeting, so that’s why I need this.

Thanks in advance for any useful hint!

IUserInfo has IsAudioMuted and GetAudioJoinType. Would that be enough?

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@bogdan.lytvynovskyi thanks for your fast response, that’s actually enough for my needs. I didn’t notice I can use GetAudioJoinType in combination with IsAudioMuted to figure out the most important values for AudioStatus. Thanks!

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Thanks @bogdan.lytvynovskyi for helping!

hen I will go ahead and close this thread. Please feel free to create another post if any other questions. :slight_smile: