How can i start meeting with PMI as meeting number for android sdk

How can I start an instant meeting with android SDK from an email login user using his PMI as meeting number?

and help me with how custom meeting id works in creating meetings? can i retrieve PMI of email login user to set it as custom meeting id?

Hi @mohammedashiq, thanks for using our SDK.

How can I start an instant meeting with android SDK from an email login user using his PMI as meeting number?

Unfortunately, instant meetings generate a meeting number for you when they are created and cannot be customized. In order to start a meeting with an account’s PMI, you would need to start a meeting normally with MeetingService#startMeetingWithParams and pass the meeting number in through an instance of StartMeetingParams.

how custom meeting id works in creating meetings?

This will not actually change the meeting number used to join the meeting. After setting the custom_meeting_id field on your StartMeetingOptions instance, you will see the string you used for that value present in the titlebar at the top of the default meeting UI.

can i retrieve PMI of email login user to set it as custom meeting id?

This is only possible when scheduling a meeting or starting a meeting through the previously mentioned steps. If you would like to use a logged in user’s PMI for a scheduled meeting, you may call MeetingItem#setUsePmiAsMeetingID with a value of true.


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