How can we know if the host is muting/unmuting a participant

Is there a delegate method for letting the user know the host is muting them?

Which Client iOS SDK version?

Additional context
I know the delegate method for when the host asks the participant to unmute, but I am unsure how to know if the host is muting/unmuting the participant.

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Hey @Mark_Bragg,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

There is a callback called onSinkMeetingAudioStatusChange that will be called when any users audio status changes (including this user). It passes an enum parameter called MobileRTC_AudioStatus that reports what the audio status change was. One of the cases in that enum is MobileRTC_AudioStatus_Audio_Muted_ByHost which would mean the user in question was just muted by the host.


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I’m not using the latest SDK. I should’ve known.

Hey @Mark_Bragg,

No worries, lots of people are in the same boat :slight_smile: I would recommend updating as soon as possible, though. Older versions have very limited developer support. The newest version is now behind the Zoom Marketplace, not github. If you decide to update and run into issues, please let me know and I can assist you with the process.


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