June 24, 2019, 10:02pm
How do I make use of SessionNetQualityLevel for Android?
Which version?
Version: 4.3.47200.0322
In iOS Zoom SDK documentation, there is this method that captures if the call quality is between VERY_BAD to EXCELLENT.
(void)onSinkMeetingVideoQualityChanged:(MobileRTCNetworkQuality)qality userID:(NSUInteger)userID
The Zoom iOS documentation I’m referencing is located here -
I would like to know how can perform the equivalent functionality in Android. I can see the enums exist here:
(Fred Luo)
June 25, 2019, 1:15am
Hi mlapasa
thanks for use sdk. android sdk will add this interface at July release.
1 Like
March 24, 2020, 12:24pm
Can you please list out the exact version Android sdk version where SessionNetQualityLevel interface is implemented?
Hi videoapp ,
Thanks for using Zoom SDK. The SessionNetQualityLevel interface is included in the latest version of Android SDK, you could use the interface querySessionNetworkStatus
( ) to get the network status. And the return value will be a SessionNetQualityLevel that could be found here:
Hope this helps. Thanks!
March 25, 2020, 11:16am
Hi Team,
Thanks for your response. It works for me.
I have another query. During the Zoom call, we used to see a message “network connection unstable”.From where and how can I read such a case when it arises.
Hi videoapp ,
Thanks for the reply. The corresponding network quality level of the message “network connection unstable” would be SESSION_NET_QUALITY_VERY_BAD( ).
March 31, 2020, 5:08am
Hi Team,
In Android SDK, I would like to know Once after connecting to the call, how and where to use the querySessionNetworkStatus to get the session network quality status?
Hi videoapp ,
Thanks for the reply. You may call the interface querySessionNetworkStatus
anytime after you successfully join the meeting and in the meeting.
Hope this helps. Thanks!
April 2, 2020, 1:16pm
Hi Team,
Thanks for your Kind reply.It works.Can you please help me to resolve another one query?
How to start a new meeting/Instant meeting with the Personal Meeting Id(PMI) of the user logged in using email zoom account?
Hi videoapp ,
Thanks for the reply. If the logged-in user belongs to your account, you could get the PMI info from REST API: .
April 3, 2020, 2:14pm
Hi Carson,
Thanks for your response.When i try to use the above API to get the PMI, am facing issue in using the API.
Please help me to resolve the below two things:-
1.How get the user Id
2.How to get the Client Id and Client Secret to get the access token?
Hi videoapp ,
Thanks for the reply. The REST API is different from SDK so the terms and concepts might different. User ID could be your email address. You may find the instruction of how to use Zoom API here: , if you are having issues or have questions regarding Zoom API, you may also seek assistance at
Hope this helps. Thanks!