How many types of registrant status are there?

Hi! I have some doubts about the answer that Zoom provides us with on the status of the registrant.

I extracted the history of registrants and they all have the approved status, as in this example.

"page_size": 300,
"total_records": 6350,
"next_page_token": "--------------------------",
"registrants": [
        "id": "--------------------",
        "first_name": "hilda jos",
        "last_name": "mascher",
        "email": "hil--",
        "address": "",
        "city": "",
        "country": "PE",
        "zip": "",
        "state": "",
        "phone": "",
        "industry": "",
        "org": "",
        "job_title": "",
        "purchasing_time_frame": "",
        "role_in_purchase_process": "",
        "no_of_employees": "",
        "comments": "",
        "custom_questions": [
                "title": "Departamento/ Región",
                "value": "Lima"
                "title": "Género",
                "value": "Femenino"
                "title": "Edad",
                "value": "Más de 55 años"
                "title": "Nivel de estudio",
                "value": "Técnico / Superior"
                "title": "¿Eres cliente de una entidad financiera?",
                "value": "Si"
                "title": "¿Tiene una empresa?",
                "value": "No"
                "title": "Si la respuesta anterior es SI, por favor indicar el número de meses en actividad",
                "value": ""
                "title": "Si respondió la pregunta anterior, por favor indicar el tamaño de empresa. ",
                "value": ""
                "title": "¿A que actividad económica se dedica?",
                "value": "Otro"
        ***status": "approved",**
        "create_time": "2023-01-31T15:10:12Z",
        "join_url": "ht---"

I need to cross information, see which participants are registered. I noticed that at the time of the join there were some participants left out and when I look for these I register one by one of these cases, if they are but with the status all.
As here:

"id": "--------------------------",
"first_name": "Lili",
"last_name": "Vastque",
"email": "l---",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"country": "PE",
"zip": "",
"state": "",
"phone": "",
"industry": "",
"org": "",
"job_title": "",
"purchasing_time_frame": "",
"role_in_purchase_process": "",
"no_of_employees": "",
"comments": "",
"custom_questions": [
        "title": "Departamento/ Región",
        "value": ""
        "title": "Género",
        "value": "Femenino"
        "title": "Edad",
        "value": "De 18 a 35 años"
        "title": "Nivel de estudio",
        "value": "Universitario"
        "title": "¿Eres cliente de una entidad financiera?",
        "value": "No"
        "title": "¿Tiene una empresa?",
        "value": "No"
        "title": "Si la respuesta anterior es SI, por favor indicar el número de meses en actividad",
        "value": ""
        "title": "Si respondió la pregunta anterior, por favor indicar el tamaño de empresa. ",
        "value": ""
        "title": "¿A que actividad económica se dedica?",
        "value": "Comercio"
**"status": "all",**
"create_time": "2022-03-04T14:55:38Z",
"join_url": "http---


the path you use to check each record is as follows : {{baseUrl}}/webinars/:webinarId/registrants/:registrantId

my question is, is there a way to include those records inside the history extract path, or is there another zoom path that allows me to see all the records that contain the all.

Check your documentation and both to bring up the webinar registrant history and to view a webinar registrant one by one, the api response in your documentation has only three statuses pending, approved, denied.

Hi @andreafs411
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!

According to our Docs, for the endpoint Get List Webinar Registrants, there are 3 different statuses:

Now for the endpoint, Get a Webinar Registrant, the same statuses are reported:

But I see in the example that you shared, you get the response “all” is that correct??
Can you confirm if this happens all the time? or did this happen only for this webinar and this registrant?

Hi Elisa! A pleasure to communicate with you. It happens to me for several cases actually. They are few, but they have a certain impact on the report we are preparing.

I have this list of users identified with their registrants_ id and webinar, with whom this situation is happening to me. I leave you more examples, all with the same state of all.

Webinar : 8***// july 7th


Webinar : 8*** // july 14th


Webinar : 8*** // September 7th


This is another user with the same status all:

“id”: “A8FpSNXHR72dBNTH54iRqg”,
“first_name”: “Eri”,
“last_name”: “Copa”,
“email”: “Er”,
“address”: “”,
“city”: “”,
“country”: “PE”,
“zip”: “”,
“state”: “”,
“phone”: “”,
“industry”: “”,
“org”: “”,
“job_title”: “”,
“purchasing_time_frame”: “”,
“role_in_purchase_process”: “”,
“no_of_employees”: “”,
“comments”: “”,
“custom_questions”: [
“title”: “Departamento/ Región”,
“value”: “Lima”
“title”: “Género”,
“value”: “Femenino”
“title”: “Edad”,
“value”: “De 35 a 55 años”
“title”: “Nivel de estudio”,
“value”: “Universitario”
“title”: “¿Eres cliente de una entidad financiera?”,
“value”: “Si”
“title”: “¿Tiene una empresa?”,
“value”: “No”
“title”: “Si la respuesta anterior es SI, por favor indicar el número de meses en actividad”,
“value”: “”
“title”: “Si respondió la pregunta anterior, por favor indicar el tamaño de empresa.”,
“value”: “”
“title”: “¿A que actividad económica se dedica?”,
“value”: “Servicio”
“status”: “all”,*****
“create_time”: “2022-06-08T14:11:53Z”,
“join_url”: “Error - Zoom*”

I have had to look for those users one by one with postman with this route, ({{baseUrl}}/webinars/:webinarId/registrants/:registrantId), because I could not find them in the list of registrants. I would like to know what it is due to and if there is a way to solve it, or some route that allows me to obtain the list of all those registered with the status all, so that it does not continue to happen in the future.