How Send Attachments

Hi Team,

I am building an chat app by using your chat apis. I see there no option for attachmenets can yyou let me know how I can send attachments ??


Hi @husain ,

Good question. We don’t have a Chat API endpoint for this, but you can send attachments using a Chatbot:

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:


Thanks @will.zoom

I have to create a chatbot app for using chatbot apis because its required robot_jid,to_jid…?? I want to send attachments only to contact not chat channel can you let me know a suitable way to use chatbot apis. If I uplaod an attachment from zoom client then the response of /{userid}/chats contains ‘@Sender send you a file or an image’ whatever and also I want to know that sending attachment require a url what about this url can you elaborate(Means either I have to upload attachment first somewhere then set this url or any other thing)??


Hey @husain,

Thank you for your question. You’re exactly right! If you want to send an attachment to a specific user, currently the only method is to upload the file to a server and then use the Send a Chat Message API to send a link to that file.

If you would like the ability to send attachments in chat messages considered for a future release, I recommend posting in the #feature-requests category.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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