How the Meeting Recordings API gets all the data

API url:

How can I get the information of two meetings when I access this API again after the two meetings are over? Now I realize that the API only returns the most recent data

Hi @Bruce.Wang , the guidance is provided in the documentation:

Use the uuids please.

Hi @gianni.zoom , Thank you very much for your reply.
But the returned data structure is incorrect and should be a list, not an object. But the data structure returned by the API introduction document is also an object.
Therefore, I want to confirm whether the “uuid” in the screenshot is directly used as the query condition, and whether the returned data structure will have two structures?

Hi @Bruce.Wang , it returns an array of objects containing the recordings (starts at line 14 in your response). Click the arrow at line 28 to expand the array of objects. Additionally our docs share " This field returns a list of recording files for each participant. The API only returns this response when the Record a separate audio file of each participant setting is enabled."

Please confirm if you’re able to see the expected info.

Hi @gianni.zoom Thank you very much for your reply.
If the same meeting is started multiple times, shouldn’t the attribute “start_time” return multiple values because the start time of each meeting is different.

When a meeting is started twice, I want to obtain the start time of the two meetings. According to the structure of the current data return, only the latest data can be obtained, but all the start times cannot be obtained.

Hi @Bruce.Wang , if the meeting is started multiple times, please pass the uuid of each through the endpoint to get the recordings for each.

When you expand the arrows in the response, are you able to see everything?

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