How to change default username to website logged in username while inviting to join meeting.(how to customize invitation)

How to change default username to website logged in username while inviting to join meeting[embebeded zoom api.

Which version?

  • Browser: i m using Chrome
    With the above reference while inviting to join meeting of web sdk took default username but i need to pass website logged in username …can anybody help me to sort out.thanks in advance.

Hey @yash.sakali,

Are you passing in their userName in the ZoomMtg.join function?


Ya but I need to pass logged in username how to customize invite

Hey @yash.sakali,

What invite are you talking about? Please provide screenshots so I can understand.


when i click invite, it will ask for gmail,once click on gmail i get content,Infront of yaseen sakali i need to pass website logged in username,can you help me.

Hey @yash.sakali,

Unfortunately we do not support sending/setting the username for the Web SDK user in the invite email.


I want to know where I get invite file in embeded zoom api so I will try to modify it…

Hey @yash.sakali,

Currently the invite cannot be customized with the Zoom API.


thanks for your reply…

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:


Let me double check please.

So there is literally no way to make a custom link with embedded username?

WebSDK or anything else cant provide any help and participants have to introduce themselves in 100% scenarios?

Hey @AlexProgcom,

You can set the username in the Web SDK, or when using Registration with the Zoom App.



I would need the feature (including in the join link the user name that will be displayed), while providing the user both connection options with the native client and from the browser, as she or he is used to have when using Zoom.

Is it possible?

I’ve not found how to create such join link with Web SDK, while registration mechanism does not work with the web client.


Hey @Philippe,

Can you clarify your question relating to the Web SDK please?

To pass in the userName to the Web SDK, checkout my post here:


Hello Tommy,

Thanks for your reply. The question is how to put a link or button on a website (where the user is authenticated) to connect to a meeting with a predefined/forced name, letting the user choose between the native/desktop client and the web application. I’ve found two solutions on the forum for the predefined name, I think suggested by you, one using WebSDK and the other using registration. The latter is restricted to native client.

The part of the question related to Web SDK is if with Web SDK we can produce a link that provides both desktop and web options. My attempt with WebSDK was offering the latter option only.

If the WebSDK cannot make it, is there another way to achieve this ?


Hey @Philippe,

Since the Web SDK is meant to be a custom implementation there is not one way to achieve this.

That being said, I suggest on your site/flow having a link to your site where the Web SDK lives, but then also displaying a join_url if the users want to join using the Zoom App. But with the join_url it will not pre-fill the users name, it will use the name that they are logged into Zoom with, or if not logged in, will prompt them to enter a name.


Thanks @tommy for your answer and suggestion.


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Happy to help! :slight_smile:

Please do let us know if you need anything else.
