How to classify personal meetings room as scheduled or instantaneous (not scheduled) in dashboard > List meetings?


My problem is a little similar to the “ajay.prabhakaran” problem described in the URL below: -comes-up-in-meetings-meetingid-when-using-pmi/40215/7

Basically, I would like to know if the records of the meetings that were held in the [Dashboard > List Meetings] endpoint were scheduled or if they were held without a pre-scheduling. The problem is that when a meeting is created via PMI (personal meeting ID), I am not able to relate the data from the [Dashboard > List Meetings] endpoint to the [Meetings > List Meetings] endpoint, which indicates whether the meeting has been scheduled and even if it is a recurring meeting.

Follow the example below:

This person scheduled the meeting with id “922XXXX5826” (bold) without using PMI. In this way, it is possible to verify a correspondence between Meetings > List Meetings records with Dashboards > List Meetings through the “id” field.

However, the other two meetings were created using PMI. So, I can’t verify relationships between the records, as the meeting ids in Dashboards > List Meetings are always the same as PMI, but they don’t have references with the Meetings > List Meetings resource ids.

Data from Meetings > List Meetings:

Data from Dashboard > List Meetings

For cases where meetings are not scheduled using PMI, it is possible to relate the two tables by ID. However, for meetings created with PMI, the ID and UUID are distinct between the two tables, making the relationship impossible. How could I relate this data or classify the Dashboard > List Meetings data as scheduled and unscheduled?

Note: I have verified that the Meetings > Get past meeting details feature has a type field with the possible values ​​in this link. However, when a meeting is scheduled using PMI, the type of meeting in this resource is returned with a value of 4. However, I believe that I cannot consider all these cases as scheduled meetings.

Hi @d166221 ,

Do you see a unique meeting id as well for meeting scheduled with PMI per this post?

If you are able to see the unique meeting id, when you pass that through the API endpoints, is it still returned as type 4?

Thank you,

Hi @gianni.zoom,

Yes, each meeting generated using PMI has a unique “uuid”. However, I can’t verify if this meeting was scheduled before it was started or if it was created instantly, because in all the API resources I consult, including in Meetings > Get past meetings, type 4 is returned, which refers to a personal meeting room.

So how would I know if this PMI meeting was scheduled early or not?

Thank you very much for the support.

Hi @d166221 ,

You’re right! I’m doing some digging to see if there’s a work around to get this info. Thanks for your patience.


Hi, @gianni.zoom. How are you? Oh, I understand. Please, as soon as you have any news, could you share it with me?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @d166221 , it doesn’t seem like there’s a work around for this via API at this time. I can only clarify which PMI meetings were pre-scheduled vs. instant via our backend systems. I’m sharing this with our API and docs team to document this and see about addressing this!

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Hi, @gianni.zoom

I understand. Are you going to comment here how to make this classification between pre-scheduled vs instant?

Thank you so much.

Hi @d166221 , this is a current limitation of our API that we need to account for. Is it possible to use the “created_at” and “start_time” fields in the Meetings > List Meetings API endpoint to distinguish which PMI meetings are instant vs. scheduled? When you pass the userId or email for that endpoint, you should get all unexpired meeting instances for the user queried.

Hi, @gianni.zoom . How are you? The problem itself is not whether a meeting created with PMI was created instantly or scheduled. The problem is to relate the meetings that actually took place on the “Dashboards > List Meetings” endpoint with the “Meetings > list Meetings” resource schedules in the case of meetings created with PMI, you know?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @d166221 ,

Thank you for that point of clarification. Can you try with Get Meeting Reports and check if the id matches for the other API endpoint? Zoom Meeting API

I’m sorry I cannot test right now as I haven’t had any meetings created with PMI that meet the API endpoint requirements.

Thank you,

Hi, @gianni.zoom

How are you?

The JSON is from a response from the Reports > Get meeting reports endpoint from an anonymized person holding meetings with PMI. My problem is whether a PMI meeting has been scheduled. How could I sort into scheduled and unscheduled meetings if all records of those meetings created with PMI are type 4?
“from”: “2022-04-01”,
“to”: “2022-04-25”,
“page_count”: 1,
“page_size”: 30,
“total_records”: 24,
“next_page_token”: “”,
“meetings”: [
“uuid”: “MDD6D//0SueqpfEhc3GzIg==”,
“id”: 7123471328,
“host_id”: “_xFT8hR_Qr6n6JZkmjpSgw”,
"type": 4,
“topic”: “XXXXXX’s Personal Meeting Room”,
“user_name”: “YYYYY”,
“user_email”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
“start_time”: “2022-04-01T12:31:23Z”,
“end_time”: “2022-04-01T13:17:34Z”,
“duration”: 47,
“total_minutes”: 230,
“participants_count”: 6,
“dept”: “XXX”,
“source”: “Zoom”
“uuid”: “FQ1C9AXOSi6rLF2klna6nw==”,
“id”: 7123471328,
“host_id”: “_xFT8hR_Qr6n6JZkmjpSgw”,
"type": 4,
“topic”: “XXXXXX’s Personal Meeting Room”,
“user_name”: “YYYYY”,
“user_email”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
“start_time”: “2022-04-01T18:03:16Z”,
“end_time”: “2022-04-01T18:46:34Z”,
“duration”: 44,
“total_minutes”: 85,
“participants_count”: 2,
“dept”: “XXX”,
“source”: “Zoom”
“uuid”: “r1tj9KdIQ1WMO3E7Qod3LA==”,
“id”: 7123471328,
“host_id”: “_xFT8hR_Qr6n6JZkmjpSgw”,
"type": 4,
“topic”: “XXXXXX’s Personal Meeting Room”,
“user_name”: “YYYYY”,
“user_email”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
“start_time”: “2022-04-04T13:02:08Z”,
“end_time”: “2022-04-04T13:32:55Z”,
“duration”: 31,
“total_minutes”: 154,
“participants_count”: 5,
“dept”: “XXX”,
“source”: “Zoom”