how to create an integration?

we are looking to create an integration that, after a meeting is finished, it will automatically upload the video to our platform. There are a couple of integrations that do exactly this (so, we know is possible)

but we can’t find any documentation about it.

It seems that instead of using the API from Zoom, you configure the integration with our platform API keys. 

Does Zoom makes a request to the specified end point? If so, do I need to be listed there first or how do I test my integration?


Any help will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: thanks!

  1. …a fter a meeting is finished; You can use the Push Notifications (Webhook) to get notified when a meeting ends

  2. …upload the video to our platform;  You can use the Cloud recording APIs to fetch your recording file



So I have more context, you mention there are a couple of integrations that already do this, can you provide examples?

Not clear on your last two sentences about instead of using the APIs and your platform keys. Can you clarify?




Hello, thanks! that’s really helpful, I read the REST API but I guess my eyes failed to see the Push notification, will take a look, that MIGHT be what I’m looking for. 

The 2 integrations that already do what we are trying to do are Panopto and Kaltura.

That seems like a native  integration with Zoom (maybe it isn’t)

Oh, and one thing I noticed though, is that the integrations I’m talking about don’t require to enable push notifications.