How to download Zoom users display name(and other fields) through API?

Since the existing “export” function on web portal doesn’t support downloading user’s “display name” manually updated by end users, I am going to write a script to do this.
Could you please point me any Zoom documentation I can refer to?

  1. any SDK that supports Powershell or Python?
  2. Example code?
  3. How to get access key from Zoom?

Thank you.

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Anybody knows how to do it?

Hi @wibbleman ,

Can you please define users in your use case?

For example, do you mean meeting participants/attendees? Users on your Zoom account?

Here are the meeting API endpoints: Zoom Meeting API

Here are users:

Other helpful endpoints can be found in Reports and Dashboards.


Thank you @gianni.zoom
I meant all users in my Zoom account, who are provisioned from our Azure AD.
I noticed the following API in Zoom docs:

Has anybody used this API and any more docs for it?

Hi @wibbleman okay you can use this endpoint to list all users in your account and write a script to save all the results to a database: