How to enable or disable screen share while creating meeting through zoom api integration

how to enable or disable screen share while creating meeting through zoom api integration

ref link: Enable screen sharing for participants using the API when creating meetings

tried above case also still not working.

const body = {
type: 2,
start_time: data.time.begin,
duration: time,
timezone: data.timezone,
agenda: data.description,
settings: {
host_video: true,
participant_video: true,
join_before_host: false,
mute_upon_entry: false,
watermark: true,
use_pmi: false,
approval_type: 1,
audio: ‘voip’,
auto_recording: ‘cloud’,
close_registration: false,
waiting_room: false,
enforce_login: true,
registration_type: 1,
meeting_authentication: false,
registrants_email_notification: false,
allow_multiple_devices: true,
show_share_button: false,
allow_remote_control: true,
disable_screen_sharing_for_hosts_meetings: true,
disable_screen_sharing_for_in_meeting_guests: true,

Hi @ithelp
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Unfortunately, you can not disable screen share on meeting creation via API.

If you want to disable screen share, you will have to go to Admin Tab > Account Management > Account Settings and disable screen sharing

Thanks for the response.

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