How to get the chat messages of a meeting in real time

I’m trying to get the chat messages of a meeting in real time. Which API can be used to get this data or is there any Webhook which 'll call my server whenever a message is sent in meeting chat.


Hi @bkmnap
Thanks for reaching out to Developer Support, I am happy to help here
Unfortunately right now we do not have an endpoint to retrieve in meeting chats.
Feel free to add a feature request here: Feature Requests - Zoom Developer Forum


Thanks for responding.I’ll definitely add it to feature requests.
Also, Is there any event listener that I can use to get chat messages in Zoom Meeting SDK.


Hi @bkmnap

Here is the documentation for the Event we offer right now

Feel free to check them out and there are some events just for chat messages :slight_smile: such as Chat Message Sent

Hope this helps!

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