How To Get Zoom token and User ID while integrating the sdk with android?


Hi there,

I am trying to run the sample for android as mentioned in the documentation. However I am not able to get it done since i don’t have the USER_ID, ZOOM_ACCESS_TOKEN, SDK_JWTTOKEN.

Can you please help me to get these things, i tried to get my user id using the REST API as mentioned in the document, but it was not successful.
Using the following GET API.{email}

I am getting the below response.

“code”: 124,
“message”: “Invalid access token.”

Hi @asif.naxtre, thanks for using our SDK.


The only required piece of information here is the JWT. We have some very helpful documentation on how to generate this token here.

Next, can you tell me a little bit about your use case? There are some cases wherein a ZAK token would be necessary, but let’s make sure that yours is one of them before we go through the trouble of utilizing the REST API. :slightly_smiling_face:


Currently I am getting error while trying to get my USER_ID for the email id.{email}

I am getting the below response.

“code”: 124,
“message”: “Invalid access token.”

Hi @asif.naxtre,

If you are definitely set on utilizing the REST API, please use the #api-and-webhooks category for assistance. Once you have successfully retrieved the ZAK token from the API, please let me know if you require any assistance with the SDK.


Hi Jon,

Can you guide me to get my USER_ID, since for further things I need to pass USER_ID in the request.

Hi @asif.naxtre,

Please use the #api-and-webhooks category for this and one of my colleagues will be more than happy to assist. :slightly_smiling_face:
