How To Host meeting after creating the meeting using API

I have successfully created a Zoom meeting using the Zoom Meeting APIs with OAuth authentication. I am able to retrieve the meeting details both from my profile and through the APIs. Now, I want to proceed with hosting the meeting using the Zoom Meeting SDK. However, when I attempt to join the meeting using the client.join() method, I receive an error stating ‘Meeting Passcode wrong’, even though I have double-checked the meeting ID and passcode and confirmed their correctness based on the API response.

I would appreciate guidance on how to proceed with hosting the meeting through the Zoom Meeting SDK, considering the error I am encountering. Thank you in advance for your assistance :).

If you are intending to start a meeting as host, you need to provide the ZAK token in the join params.

I provided the SDK key, signature, meetingNumber, userName, userEmail, password, zak in the join params. still having the error ‘Meeting Passcode wrong.’

can you try putting in the passcode instead of the password to see if it works?

the passcode might be a 6 digit number

Thanks for the response
Now the code is worked and the component loaded with the ‘password’ params. But triggering an error userId is not correct. Actually I didn’t saw any params named userId in the types of join()
