How to relate a registrant and an accurrence?

Adding a new registrant to a recuring meeting,
where they need to register for each occurrence again,
how can I know, which occurrence he is attached to?
The API responce doesn’t contein this information
and comparing registration dates with occurrences dates seams not to be a good idea.

How to receive this information from API?

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
POST /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants
GET /meetings/{meetingId}/registrants

Hi @oira666,

Good question, happy to clarify.

To that end, you can verify this information by calling our List Meeting Registrants endpoint and adding the occurrence query parameter—passing the occurrence of the recurring meeting as the value:

This should return the registrants only for that occurrence in particular.

Let me know if this helps!

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