How To set the size self-video in call at SDK Zoom

Hi, I’m Magno, i need to set the size self-video in call at SDK Zoom, in my app the size is small
I tried to make a set in layout, but i can’t to change the values, when i changed the values in ZMTip component and put to “RUN” the default values is back


  • Device: Galaxy J08
  • OS: Android 10

I hope that somebody can help. Thank you!

Hi @magnojunior, thanks for using our SDK.

When using the default meeting UI, the SDK does not allow for granular control over the appearance and size of each element. That being said, calling switchToVideoWall allows you to switch to gallery view, where your preview video will be the same size as other users’ video elements.

If this does not fit your needs, the next best option would be to implement a custom meeting UI from scratch.


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