How to start meeting from server


My Application Scenario is like this:
1- Host is logged in (in zoom desktop or mobile application)

2- android client request a meeting from my web server

3- my server create meeting for host user by API and return its ID to android client

4- android client user join meeting by given meeting id

the problem is on step 3 when my server creating meeting, it get response from zoom that contain ‘start_url’ address for new meeting, and if client request to join meeting would see “meeting has ended by user”, if I open this URL manually client can join meeting without problem (host get notification to admit meeting and if admit meeting start).
the question is how to start_url by server?

Things I tried:
1- send GET request to start_url by my server and it will get a HTML file in response contains "Unsupported Operating System "

2- changing “approval_type” of meeting being created, but again get meeting by “approval_type=2” !!!

Attachment: creating meeting  parameters

data = {
 "topic": "test meeting",
 "type": 1,
 "start\_time": "",
 "duration": "",
 "timezone": "",
 "password": "",
 "agenda": "",
 "settings": {
 "host\_video": "false",
 "participant\_video": "false",
 "cn\_meeting": "false",
 "in\_meeting": "false",
 "join\_before\_host": "true",
 "mute\_upon\_entry": "false",
 "watermark": "false",
 "use\_pmi": "false",
 "approval\_type": 2,
 "registration\_type": "",
 "audio": "",
 "auto\_recording": "none",
 "enforce\_login": "false",
 "enforce\_login\_domains": "",
 "alternative\_hosts": ""

Hi Benyamin, 

There’s appear to be an issue with our start_url when it comes to attendees joining. We have a fix already in place and should be ready for the June release around the 16th. 



Hi @Benyamin_Abbasi,

My Application Scenario is also the same as yours.

  1. create a meeting by API
  2. start a meeting by API
  3. join a meeting by mobile SDK

Step 2 is a problem for me.

How did you achieve your goal?

How did you start the meeting by API?

Please help me.


Hey @arunkumar,

The host user of the meeting has to start the meeting. There is no way to make an API call to start the meeting.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :slight_smile:


Hi @tommy,

    Thanks to help me.


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Happy to help! :slight_smile:


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