Meeting goes to waiting state eveytime, when I use start_url from zoom create meeting api

I have zoom business+ account,
I am starting zoom meeting using create meeting api, and when I use start_url from starting meeting it goes into waiting state

Not able to start meeting as host

Which Endpoint/s?
Create meeting api
POST /users/{userId}/meetings

Screenshots (If applicable)

Additional context
zoom userId = Zn8IQTrZQKuBz3LE2AYdXQ;
zoom meeting link = Launch Meeting - Zoom

We’re facing the same issue. This is happening to a set of users (no pattern noticed) where meeting started with their user ID cannot be joined as host with start_url of the meeting. Above error is seen. Same happens in Android SDK for those users.

Hi @vaghelaabhijeet6,

How are you retrieving the start_url? Are you getting this via API and then using it within 2 hours of the API response?


Hi @will.zoom,
I am retrieving the start_url using create meeting api, as I mentioned earlier
And I used that url immediately, but meeting goes to waiting state every time in web, app, sdk

But now its working fine and I not able to reproduce same issue, I will let you know if getting same issue again.


Hey @vaghelaabhijeet6,

Thank you for keeping us posted, let us know if you see this going forward.


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