How to start zoom meeting using slack bot

We connect to Zoom via Single Sign on. What token can I use to launch a zoom meeting using the zoom api? Zoom meeting will be launched via python code running in AWS lambda.

The lambda is launched via Slack bot. Our slack setup currently is integrated with Zoom meeting and we can launch a meeting using “/zoom meeting meeting_name”.
But we want to launch meeting via the Slack bot.

Hey @zenatwork, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

Is this a question about the Zoom Slack integration or single sign on?

For single sign on, you can get a meeting token here.


Hi Tommy,

The question is about how to launch a zoom meeting from a slack bot?
We use single sign on for authentication at Ping Identity though.


Hey @zenatwork,

Are you creating a custom Slack Bot, or using our Zoom Slack Bot app?

To launch a Zoom meeting, use the meeting link which will open Zoom, or one of the URL Schemes.


Hey @tommy,

I am creating a custom slack bot. This bot will launch a zoom meeting and then post the meeting details in few slack channels. This bot will also perform some other non zoom related tasks.


Hey @zenatwork,

Very cool! I would suggest using the Zoom Meeting link:



Hi @tommy,

But this zoom meeting needs to be started using python code by making an api call to zoom.

I am confused as in which token I can use for the api call. Since the python code is in aws lambda and is triggered via the slack bot, it knows nothing about the zoom api token. We use single sign on for slack and zoom authentication but the sso token is not visible in the slack call when it launches the slack bot.

Does this makes sense?

Since this discussion is taking alot of time, can we please talk about it via a zoom call? Its restricting me from making any progress.


Hey @zenatwork,

I understand now thanks for sharing more details.

You can use a JWT App type to generate a JWT Token to authenticate when calling the Create Meeting API.


Hey @tommy,

Can we schedule a zoom call please?
I am based in the Australia (AEST)


My requirement is also that the api call can be made as different users and not just as one user.
The python code in aws lambda is triggered via the slack bot, it knows nothing about the zoom api token. We use single sign on for slack and zoom authentication but the sso token is not visible in the slack call when it launches the slack bot.
So slack will provide the userdetails to the lambda. zoom meeting will be started for the user launching the slack bot and not for a fixed user.
So how can this be achieved?

If possible please schedule a zoom call with me. I am in Australia (AEST).
Its getting a little urgent now.


Hey @zenatwork,

Single sign on can be used with Zoom OAuth.

You can schedule a Zoom meeting with me here.
