I created a room using API, can participants enter the room without a host?

When a participant attempts to access the room with the join_url returned through API, participant sees the message below.

“Please wait for the host to start this meeting”

I tried to set ‘join_before_host’=>false and ‘join_before_host’=>true both.
But the results are the same.

I can check options like the image below on the zoom website.

Is there any way that participants can enter the room without a host? (should create it using API)
2~3 people have to go into the room and have a meeting without a host.

I think I can turn off the ‘Waiting Room’ option. How can I turn it off using API?

  public function createAMeeting( $data = array() ) {
            $post_time  = $data['start_date'];
   $start_time = gmdate( "Y-m-d\TH:i:s", strtotime( $post_time ) );
            $createAMeetingArray = array();
            if ( ! empty( $data['alternative_host_ids'] ) ) {
                if ( count( $data['alternative_host_ids'] ) > 1 ) {
                    $alternative_host_ids = implode( ",", $data['alternative_host_ids'] );
                } else {
                    $alternative_host_ids = $data['alternative_host_ids'][0];
            $createAMeetingArray['topic']      = $data['meetingTopic'];
            $createAMeetingArray['agenda']     = ! empty( $data['agenda'] ) ? $data['agenda'] : "";
            $createAMeetingArray['type']       = ! empty( $data['type'] ) ? $data['type'] : 3; // 2 is default (1: Instant meeting. 2: Scheduled meeting. 3: Recurring meeting with no fixed time. 4: Recurring meeting with fixed time.)
            $createAMeetingArray['start_time'] = $start_time;
            $createAMeetingArray['timezone']   = $data['timezone'];
            $createAMeetingArray['password']   = ! empty( $data['password'] ) ? $data['password'] : "";
            $createAMeetingArray['duration']   = ! empty( $data['duration'] ) ? $data['duration'] : 60;
            $createAMeetingArray['settings']   = array(
                'join_before_host'  => ! empty( $data['join_before_host'] ) ? true : false,
                'host_video'        => ! empty( $data['option_host_video'] ) ? true : false,
                'participant_video' => ! empty( $data['option_participants_video'] ) ? true : false,
                'mute_upon_entry'   => ! empty( $data['option_mute_participants'] ) ? true : false,
                'enforce_login'     => ! empty( $data['option_enforce_login'] ) ? true : false,
                'auto_recording'    => ! empty( $data['option_auto_recording'] ) ? $data['option_auto_recording'] : "none",
                'alternative_hosts' => isset( $alternative_host_ids ) ? $alternative_host_ids : ""
            return $this->sendRequest($createAMeetingArray);

try {
	$z = $zoom_meeting->createAMeeting(
			'start_date'=>date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime('tomorrow')),
			'meetingTopic'=>'Talk Test',



Hi @citrus7g,

Can you try disabling your waiting room? If the waiting room is turned on, this will override the join before host setting.

Let me know if this helps!

Thank you.
I disabled the waiting room option. But the option didn’t work.


Hi @citrus7g,

Thanks for confirming. Are you passing a value for password? Please note that you will need either a password or a waiting room. If you don’t pass a value for password, the waiting room will default to on.

Let me know if this helps,

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