I don't get any webhook event after configuration

Hi guys, I am having a strange problem with receiving webhook events. I followed zoom’s guide regarding endpoint validation and so far everything works (so I get the challenge from zoom). But when I then want to receive events, such as the following meeting.ended or meeting.started, it doesn’t work.

The configuration of the app was done through Server To Servet OAuth mode. Maybe the issue involves this? Although I think it does not, since it is enabled to receive events.


Hi @antonio.giano ,

That is quite strange especially if you said it’s validated and you received the challenge webhook from Zoom. What are all the events you have subscribed to for your Server-to-Server app?

Hi @antonio.giano I just did some testing, and I received meeting.started and recording.paused events to my S2S app, but I will note that they were quite delayed and did not appear till after I ended the meeting. Can you see if you received delayed events?

Hi Gianni,

you are right. The events are delayed. So, I had to wait a little bit to get the events.

Thank you.

Hi @antonio.giano no problem! The delays are being looked into. Please let us know if you’re still experiencing this in the future.

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