I get "Failed to pack result" when I call calendars/users/me/calendarList

I try to call https://api.zoom.us/v2/calendars/users/me/calendarList.

but return

    "error": {
        "code": 401,
        "errors": [
                "appCode": 0,
                "domain": "global",
                "message": "Failed to pack result",
                "reason": "unauthorized"
        "message": "Failed to pack result",
        "reqId": "ZMAIL_124bc3ae7f39f27741c81735f65495d0",
        "status": "UNAUTHORIZED"

I don’t know what should I do

Hi @xiyichan
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Allow me some time to troubleshoot this on my end and I will get back to you

Hi @xiyichan
Sorry for the late reply here!
I am not able to troubleshoot this on my end. I will send you a DM to follow up on this issue