Errors when joining an embedded meeting with the SDK

I am trying to join a meeting from my web browser using the meeting SDK. When doing so, the UI pops up and I get into the meeting, but neither my audio nor my video will work, and a bunch of errors appear in the browser’s console.

My meeting has ID 84083827834.

I see here in the forum that there may be issues when running the SDK in an iframe, but it’s not in one. This is running in a React/Ionic app, and I have tried on several browsers with no luck. When I join in the Zoom app as this user with their join URL it works fine.

Whenever I click on the camera icon to start up the camera I get an error in the console like “Camera is starting,please wait.”

Browser Console Error

  • userId is not correct
  • video handle is not ready
  • Camera is starting,please wait.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
Creating the JWT:

      exp = 4.hours.from_now.to_i

      payload = {
        appKey: Rails.application.credentials.zoom.meeting_sdk.client_id,
        mn: webinar_registration.webinar.webinar_zoom_meeting_id,
        role: 0,
        sdkKey: Rails.application.credentials.zoom.meeting_sdk.client_id,
        tokenExp: exp,
        userName: current_user.full_name

      jwt = JWT.encode(
        { alg: "HS256", typ: "JWT" }

And joining the meeting:

const meetingSDKElement = document.getElementById("meetingSDKElement");
if (meetingSDKElement) {
  zoomClient.init({ language: "en-US", zoomAppRoot: meetingSDKElement });
    meetingNumber: article.webinarZoomMeetingId,
    // password: "356415",
    sdkKey: zoomSdkKey,
    tk: article.webinarRegistration.zoomRegistrationToken,
    userName: myUser?.fullName ?? ""

To Reproduce(If applicable)
The errors start as soon as I run the JS code to join the meeting.


Troubleshooting Routes

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Macbook Pro
  • OS: macOS 14.2
  • Browser: Chrome and Brave
  • Browser Version: Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71

Additional context

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