I’ve built a web app using web SDK which joins zoom meetings and asks for permission to record meeting Once the host grants permission it starts recording but I’m not really sure how it’s recording and where it’s recording
After running this line of code I’m not sure what to do?
ZoomMtg.mediaCapture({ record: “start” });
Does the above code store the recorded audio somewhere or does it return some function which returns audio chunks. I heard that Meeting Web SDK does not support raw recording functionality, Does this mean that after record start I need to create Audio stream and process it later If I want the meeting audio. My main objective is I’m building meeting bots to join and record audio. What are the pros and cons of using Web SDK to build bots rather than Windows SDK or Linux SDK
Hey @developer15 this is definitely an issue we’ve seen many times. We use the Web SDK extensively to power our meeting bots, and this is something we’ve encountered before.
The mediaCapture API call only triggers the consent pop up. It doesn’t actually give you access to the audio and video streams. You need to extract them from the running instance of the SDK itself.
This can be something as simple as screen recording the browser, but doing it reliably and in a high performance way can get really complicated
It’s recommended to use the Linux SDK to run meeting bots instead.
The Web SDK, Windows SDK, and Linux SDK all require you to run and scale a large number of servers for the meeting bot use case which also gets very complicated (especially at scale).
Another option is Recall.ai . It’s a simple 3rd party API for meeting bots to get the raw audio/video from meetings + output video/audio without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.
Let me know if you have any questions!
@developer15 the web SDK does not allow you to record audio and video to local files.
The mediaCapture and mediaCapturePermission methods are used by meeting recording bots to trigger the user prompts. This is essential to comply with law / rules / regulations.
There are 3rd party tools which these web recording bots utilizes in conjunction to mediaCapture and mediaCapturePermissions.
Thanks Amanda for the detailed insights, For now I’ll got with Web SDK as I need audio only for now. Why would you recommend using Linux SDK than Web SDK leaving the facts that Linux SDK provides option to record raw audio and video.
I have another question, I’ve built the bot using Meeting SDK but it’s asking for me to publish the app if the bot wants to join the other user meetings. Why would I need to publish the app? I believe there is no need for the end user to install our app I don’t understand how bot joining the meeting is connected to SDK app at all or Is is just a standard the developers has to follow?
@developer15 this is a procedure for all bots / SDK apps which intends to join external meetings
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