Need Assistance with Zoom Meeting Web SDK Local Recording Feature

Dear Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to urgently seek assistance regarding an issue I’m encountering with the Zoom Meeting Web SDK.

I am currently attempting to utilize the Zoom Meeting Web SDK to initiate a local recording and subsequently save it. Despite following the provided documentation and implementing the necessary event listeners and method calls, I have encountered an obstacle in accessing the media streams or recording files after the meeting concludes.

Here’s a summary of my current setup:

I have incorporated the following event listeners:

    function(allowCapture) {

    function({status, userId}) {
        console.log(status, userId)

Following this, I’m executing the subsequent methods:

        "error": console.log,
        "operate": 'request',
        "success": console.log

        "error": console.log,
        "record": "start",
        "success": console.log

However, despite implementing these steps as instructed, I find myself unable to access the media streams or locate the recording files post-meeting. The documentation provided does not offer clear guidance on this matter, leaving me in a perplexing situation.

Given the urgency of my project requirements, I kindly request your immediate assistance in providing detailed steps on how to access the recording files or media streams after the meeting concludes. Any insights or guidance you can offer would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and resolution to this issue.

Warm regards,
Dheeraj Lalwani

@dheeraj ,

Web SDK does not support local recording.

The 2 functionalities which you have used are for ISV / Services using 3rd party recording solutions to comply with rules and regulations.

Typically here’s what is done.

  • prompt host for permission
  • if granted permission, call mediaCapture to prompt participants that “This meeting is being recording”
  • use their own 3rd party solution to record the meeting.

Hey @dheeraj,

As Chun Siong has already mentioned, the Web SDK doesn’t support local recording.

It sounds like this is a hard requirement for your use case, so here are some potential solutions:

1. Zoom Linux SDK

The Linux SDK gives you access to the raw video/audio streams and would get you what you need here.

You can use the StartRawRecording() method to achieve this.

Here is an example demonstrating how you might implement this.

2. Zoom Windows SDK

The Zoom Windows SDK also provides access to the raw video/audio streams.

Here is a guide that covers this in depth.

These are the specific methods relevant for recording:


If you didn’t want to deal with the complexities of building meeting bots in-house, another alternative is to use for your meeting bots instead. It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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