In List events API, there are cases where next_page_token is issued even after all data is obtained

In List events API, next_page_token may be issued even after all data has been obtained.

As per the specifications, will next_page_token be issued or not?

The following is the result of the test.

  • If pege_size is not specified or pege_size=15 to 56 is specified, next_page_token will be returned even though all items have been acquired.
    ・If pege_size=57 or more is specified, all items will be retrieved and next_page_token will not be obtained.

Hi @sone
Thanks for reaching out.
A “next_page_token” is returned when the results span multiple pages. For example, if the “page_size” is set to 20 and there are 30 records, you will get a “next_page_token” to retrieve the remaining records on the next page.

If you only receive 10 records with a “page_size” of 20, you should not receive a “next_page_token” because all available records fit within the requested page size.

Here is a link to our documentation on pagination:

Hope this helps!

When using the List Events API, you might occasionally notice that a next_page_token is issued even after it appears that all the event data has been retrieved. This behavior can be perplexing, as the presence of a next_page_token typically indicates that additional data is available on subsequent pages.

However, this can happen due to various reasons, including timing issues or minor inconsistencies in the backend. The API might generate a next_page_token as a precaution, even if all data has already been delivered in the current response. This is more common in systems where data is continuously updated, and the API’s response might slightly lag behind these updates.

To handle this situation, it’s essential to check if the current page of data is complete. If your application encounters a next_page_token but finds no new data on the subsequent page, it can safely disregard the token and conclude that all relevant data has been obtained. This approach ensures that your application can gracefully manage such anomalies without making unnecessary API calls.

Understanding this quirk can help you better design your API integration, ensuring efficient and accurate data retrieval in your applications.

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thank you for your reply.

Currently, a screenshot of the log of this event is shown below.
I’m trying to upload it, but
An error is output and I cannot upload.
Is there any other way to link screenshots of logs other than uploading them?

Hi @sone
I will send you a DM to follow up