Inquiry about TDD

I would like to ask you about TDD.
I would like to submit the following from the privacy policy, is it ok to use excerpts from the same document?
■Application Overview 4
■Privacy Attesncions 13 and 14

I would be grateful if you could answer my question.

Thank you.

Hi @MyclassRemote
Thanks for reaching out to us! I am happy to help here!
could you please elaborate on your question a little bit more? I am not understanding what you are trying to ask.

Hi Elisa
Thank you for your response.

I have a question about the text to be provided to TDD.
I will upload the privacy policy in 4. of the Application Overview.
I also plan to excerpt 13. and 14. of the Privacy Attestations from the privacy policy already uploaded in 4. of the Application Overview.
May I submit the same text for some of the questions?

Thank you.

Hi @MyclassRemote
If you think that the answers are the same, then you can submit them on different questions
The Marketplace team will review them and provide you feedback if there is any


Hi Elisa
Thank you for your response. I will try to submit them.

Thank you,

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