Is it right to submit the TDD document here?

It’s been more than 2 years since you connected the zoom service.

I received an email asking me to submit a TDD document, can I submit it here?


Hello Sapiens,

All Marketplace apps must complete the new Privacy Attestation section of the TDD by August 31. to remain published.

You can submit this by navigating to the Technical Design section of your app on, and filling in the highlighted section. You will need to submit an Update with the completed form.

Nigel Hughey
Marketplace Operations

Hi, Nigel Hughey

This app is in service.

The app could not be modified. The ‘Technical Design’ menu does not exist.

Should I make a new app?

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2023년 8월 19일 (토) 오전 3:24, Nigel via Zoom Developer Forum <>님이 작성:

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