Intermittent Pink / Purple Color Distortion in Remote Video Feed with Zoom Video SDK

Video SDK Type and Version
@zoom/videosdk: 1.11.0

We are currently in the process of migrating our web application from Twilio to Zoom Video SDK.
During one-on-one video calls, we occasionally encounter an issue where the video feed of the remote participant appears with a pink/purple color distortion immediately after connecting to the call.
Interestingly, this issue seems to resolve itself either by reloading the page or waiting a few seconds.

We have observed this problem across various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Ubuntu, as well as different browsers, so it does not appear to be tied to a specific platform or browser.

Notably, this color distortion only affects the remote participant’s video feed; the local preview video remains unaffected.

Here’s the relevant parts of our code. initParticipantsVideo is called after initializing the client and joining the session.
We use the <video-player-container> html element.

const attachParticipantVideo = async (userId: number) => {
  const participant = client.getUser(userId);
  if (!participant || !participant.bVideoOn) {
  const userVideo = await stream.attachVideo(userId, VideoQuality.Video_360P);
  participantsContainer.appendChild(userVideo as VideoPlayer);

const initParticipantsVideo = async () => {
  const users = client
    .filter((user) => user.userId !== client.getCurrentUserInfo().userId);

  for (const user of users) {
    try {
      await attachParticipantVideo(user.userId);
    } catch (e) {
      console.error("Failed to setup participant video", e);

Hi @arisongaro,

Thank you for reaching out. A few questions to continue truobleshooting:

  1. Is this issue happening with one specific user, or various remote participants?
  2. Are you seeing this issue when testing with the sample application as well?
  3. I see that you’ve tested across various OS and browsers. Have you had a chance to test with different camera devices?


Hi @rehema.zoom

Is this issue happening with one specific user, or various remote participants?

We are experiencing this issue with various remote participants.

Are you seeing this issue when testing with the sample application as well?

Unfortunately we are not able to consistently reproduce this problem even on our application. We have received some reports from our users, but we cannot ask them to try the sample application.
I tested the sample application but I’m not able to reproduce the issue (but I’ve personally experienced the issue with our application just once and just for a few seconds).

I see that you’ve tested across various OS and browsers. Have you had a chance to test with different camera devices?

Yes. All those OS / browsers are reports we received from different devices used by our users.

Hey @arisongaro

Thanks for your feedback.

Could you share some problematic Session IDs with us for troubleshooting purposes?


Hello @vic.yang

Here’s some of them:

  • ncvjKHxeQdiqIyX2Ud4aTA==
  • pj2mA4bAQem3wcTjkj7YCQ==
  • PyV1Oj1DQ1m6T2SDiz8UEg==

I’m trying to find other ids, I’ll let you know if I find any others.

Here’s a screenshot of what happens:

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