Green outline surrounding mobile participant’s video on desktop participant’s side

Video SDK Type and Version
Web Video SDK version 1.8.10

When a mobile participant’s video is rendered on a canvas in a desktop browser, a green outline appears around the video. If the mobile participant disconnects, this green outline expands, screenshot attached of this issue:


Troubleshooting Routes

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
1. one participant should join from mobile browser and second on desktop browser
2. mobile browser user’s video on desktop side will have green outline

Hey @arfa.ahmed

Thanks for your feedback.

Starting from Video SDK 1.8.5, we provide Client-side telemetry function to help us investigate and fix issues. Would you mind integrating it into your app and reporting the logs when the issue occurs?


@vic.yang any update on this issue? still facing, this only happens when startVideo with originalRatio: true from mobile browsers.

Hey @arfa.ahmed

Unfortunately, we’re unable to recreate the issue in our sample app. Could you possibly provide us with your code snippet or send us the logs for further investigation?


@vic.yang, @tommy this only happens on desktop browser side with mobile browser participant’s video when we pass originalRatio: true in startVideo function parameters:
await startVideo({ videoElement, originalRatio: true });
I am using your video sdk web sample app react demo app code as it is ( videosdk-web-sample/react-demo at master · zoom/videosdk-web-sample · GitHub)

You can reproduce this issue on your demo app by passing originalRatio: true in startVideo function, and then join one participant from mobile browser and other on desktop browser, then you could see the green outline around mobile browser participant’s video on desktop browser participant’s side.

Hey @arfa.ahmed

Could you please provide more context about this issue? This includes details about the browser, OS, and SharedArrayBuffer.

We have already tested the issue on the sample app using iOS 16+, iOS 17+, and Android 13, but we were unable to reproduce it.

Additionally, would it be possible for you to integrate the client-side telemetry into your app and report the logs when the issue occurs? This would greatly assist us in investigating the issue.


@vic.yang have you passed {originalRatio: true} in startVideo method?

Hey @arfa.ahmed

Yes. All of the cases are with originalRatio option true.
