Internalerrorcodes 3023

I am new to this platform and started using the demo app for Android and getting 
internalerrorcodes  3023 . just after starting the application

And one more thing how do i get the userid and token .

The parameter i am using in the

// TODO Change it to your APP Key
public final static String APP\_KEY = "The one which i got from Credential of mobile app";

// TODO Change it to your APP Secret
public final static String APP\_SECRET = "The one which i got from Credential of mobile app"


// TODO change it to your user ID
//This id got from calling **** from restapi and token as well
public final static String USER\_ID = "XVHQLQWRRmO5mQ8BdM5ouA";

// TODO change it to your token
public final static String ZOOM\_TOKEN = "pGxDk-JVi2fpPpPmr2ZY66rYJx3Auv-6xSULwwbsX7c.BgMsckp4aUZZVVozektKNkIwR3FtcnlaMStZaFVjQmllLzlVekltcWhkb2RmYz1AYmI4N2JlYWI1ODY2NTkwZjI1NTdlM2QxNTc3YWU1YmVjOGFhMzVjNzgwZjczMmI0ZGViODJhOGVlZDc2MTA2ZAAMM0NCQXVvaVlTM3M9";

// TODO Change it to your exist meeting ID to start meeting
public final static String MEETING\_ID = "429225347";


Hi Abhishek,

3023 means that you have wrong Key/Secret pair, would it possible you are using API key/secret pair?




Hi wei,

Thanks for the answer but it was not the case 

the case was since i have logged in via Google  i have to put zpk   values in the place of zoom token and it worked smoothly.

There are some discrepancies in the document please add these things so that we developer don’t get confused.

Hi Abhishek,

could you clarify on the zpk? If you put ZPK for ZOOM_TOKEN, it will not work.
