Internet Audio dialog does not show up

“cordova.plugin.zoom”: “^4.6.2166-6.603”,
@ionic-native/zoom”: “^5.25.0”,

We are currently creating an application that starts Zoom meetings using Ionic SDK and
experiencing issues with this application on an iPhone6S iOS14.
When we start the meeting on an iPhone6S using this application,
「To hear others please join audio」and「Call using Internet Audio」
dialogs does not show up and there is no audio.

After doing some testing, Waiting Room seems to affect this behavior.
Set Waiting Room OFF = diaolog shown,can hear audio
Set Waiting Room ON = no dialog ,no audio

Is there any way to make the audio work with the Waiting Room ON?

I am also having this issue. When the waiting room is enabled, the user does not see the “Call using Internet Audio” dialog. On an iPad using Ionic Zoom SDK, when the user is admitted from the wait room, they have to tap on the screen to bring up the top menu, then choose “Join Audio”, then the dialog displays for them to choose “Call using Internet Audio.” This is not intuitive for our users. :frowning:

Are there any plans to fix this bug?

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